LTEC Staff Profile: Todd Lash
February 07, 2017
Name: Todd Lash
LTEC Role: Teacher Leader (former); Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Illinois (current)
Professional Background: I am a former grade K-5 teacher of 17 years. I have taught 2–5 grades as a classroom teacher, looped, been a school librarian, and CS instructional coach. I’ve also work at CSforALL as a Research Associate and served as the K-5 lead for the CSTA computer science standards revision.
Why is LTEC my jam? Part of what makes LTEC2 such a fantastic project is that I get work with and learn from an outstanding and varied group of professionals in a collaborative atmosphere. The LTEC2 project is all about reciprocal learning between the various participants, including working teacher/practitioners, curriculum developers, computer scientists and researchers.
My work: I love participating in data collection, analysis and lesson development. Thinking about ways in which ALL kids learn and can learn in an integrated math/CS curriculum is tremendously exciting and hopefully beneficial to the community.
What I do with my spare time: I love to spend time with my son (12 y.o.), my wife, and my dog Marley. I also love to cook and I am continually finding new dishes to try or creating things on my own. I enjoy lifting weights, working outside, and tinkering with things I probably have no business tinkering with.
Fun facts:
- I was once kidnapped while in Jamaica.
- I survived a tornado hitting my house when I was 8.
- I have to have shots in my eyes regularly to keep me from going blind. If I am squinting at you, it’s not because I’m out to get you!
Connect with me:
- Twitter: @Todd_Lash
- LinkedIn: profile
- Email: